Hands aren’t the only things clapping on Lil Wayne’s concert tour, which is coming to Washington, D.C. on May 16th.
Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., otherwise known as Lil Wayne has become a huge deal in the Hip-Hop industry during the past decade and a half. Wayne decided to start his own group called Young Money, which features equally popular rappers, Nicki Minaj and Drake. He also has a very successful series of albums called The Carter which has four albums out already with the fifth still in the works.
Lil Wayne has fans all over the world, including at WS. Fans like sophomore Riley Welch idolize Wayne.
“To me, Wayne represents what I want to be when I grow up: a rapper with dreadlocks” said Welch.
Welch has really enjoyed Wayne’s music as of late and is extremely hyped for the unannounced release of The Carter V.
“I’m as excited as a leprechaun,” said Welch.
Another fan who idolizes Wayne is junior Andrew Johnson. Johnson loves Wayne’s recent work, especially his mixtape, Sorry 4 The Wait 2.
“I feel like it’s his best piece of art,” said Johnson.
Wayne released Sorry 4 The Wait 2 because Birdman refused to release The Carter V, and he wanted to give his fans something for them to listen to.
Despite all of his loyal fans, Wayne still has some fans who don’t like his recent mixtape, like junior Trevor Claveau.
“When I don’t know what to listen to, I listen to Lil Wayne” Claveau said. “But I don’t think he tried on Sorry 4 The Wait 2.”
Claveau is disappointed at the issues between Wayne and Birdman because they called each other father and son. Birdman’s refusing to release The Carter V has caused Wayne to sue and want to leave Cash Money.
“It’s sad because you’d think that they’re best friends, but the money gets in the way” said Claveau.
Wayne also has many haters like sophomore Aziz Conteh, who believes that Wayne fell off.
“Lil Wayne sucks because he lost himself. He’s much more main-stream now” said Conteh.
Although he is upset about how Birdman and Wayne have split up, Conteh really doesn’t care for Wayne or the Carter V.
“He’s lost touch and his lyrics are dumbed down and it’s all about a nice beat. I’m not excited at all” said Conteh.
Wiz Hits D.C.