West Springfield High School Newspaper

The Oracle

West Springfield High School Newspaper

The Oracle

West Springfield High School Newspaper

The Oracle

2023-2024 Staff

Naila Adimi
Head Copy Editor

Naila Adimi

Naila is a junior and this is her third year doing journalism. She is a Head Copy Editor for The Oracle. In their free time, they enjoy reading and creating original stories and characters. Her favorite pieces of media are Six ...

Katelyn Hurley
Head Copy Editor

Katelyn Hurley

Katelyn is a junior and this is her third year doing journalism. She is a Head Copy Editor for The Oracle. She enjoys reading books and her two favorite book series are Lockwood and Co. and The Raven Cycle. She also loves watching TV...

Nat Phillips
SNO Manager

Nat Phillips

Nat is a junior and this is her second year doing journalism. She is the SNO Manager for The Oracle. When not in class, she enjoys watching films and reviewing them on Letterboxd, writing, listening to music, doing theatre, am...

Whitney Moffa
News Editor

Whitney Moffa

Whitney is a sophomore and this is her second year doing journalism. She is the News Section Editor for The Oracle. When not in school, she is a competitive tennis player on the varsity team at WS. She also enjoys doing voluntee...

Maya Pope
Viewpoint Editor

Maya Pope

Maya is a sophomore and this is her second year doing journalism. She is the Viewpoint Section Editor for The Oracle. She has expressed interest in journalism since sixth grade. After high school, she would like to major in child...

Zoe Ferlazzo
Entertainment Editor

Zoe Ferlazzo

Zoe is a junior and this is her second year doing journalism. She is the Entertainment Section Editor for The Oracle. She enjoys journalism because she loves writing and interacting with people to find the inside scoop. In her f...

Maggie Barry
Sports Editor

Maggie Barry

Maggie is a junior and this is her second year doing journalism. She is the Sports Section Editor for The Oracle. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and playing the bass guitar. She loves watching sports games with her frie...

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ETC. Editor

Blythe Steahly

Blythe is a junior and this is her third year doing journalism. She is the ETC. Section Editor for The Oracle. Her interests include swimming, rowing, and baking.

Kalki Legesse
Social Media Manager

Kalki Legesse

Kalki is a junior and this is her second year doing journalism. She is the Social Media Manager for The Oracle. She loves to take long walks while blasting music in scenic locations. When she's at home she's either reading, writing,...

Eli Biegler
Staff Writer

Eli Biegler

Eli is a freshman and this is his first year doing journalism. He is a Staff Writer for The Oracle. He plays lacrosse.

Alessa Ciccarello
Staff Writer

Alessa Ciccarello

Alessa is a sophomore and this is her first year doing journalism. She is a staff writer for The Oracle. She likes cooking and cleaning, and she plays volleyball in her free time.

Ray Collins
Staff Writer

Ray Collins

Ray is a freshman and this is her first year doing journalism. She is a Staff Writer for The Oracle. She does gymnastics, she likes going outside, and she also talks a lot and people can't hear enough of her.

Jade Hanson
Staff Writer

Jade Hanson

Jade is a freshman and this is her first year doing journalism. She is a Staff Writer for The Oracle. She's a competitive and sideline cheerleader from San Diego, California, and she wants to attend college there after she grad...

Olivia Lang
Staff Writer

Olivia Lang

Olivia Lang is a sophomore and this is her second year doing journalism. She is a Staff Writer for The Oracle. She is interested in anything sports-related since she plays three sports for the school.

Hudson Monahan
Staff Writer

Hudson Monahan

Hudson is a junior and this is his first year doing journalism. He is a Staff Writer for The Oracle.

Jayden Pope
Staff Writer

Jayden Pope

Jayden is a junior and this is his first year doing journalism. He is a Staff Writer for The Oracle. He likes watching and playing basketball, history, playing video games, watching anime, and plans to pursue a career in socio...