#FreeBritney becomes #BritneyFreed

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Britney Spears claimed she was forced to work and perform during her conservatorship. Multiple documentaries have been released describing Britney’s situation including detailed reports using court documents, a notable title is “Framing Britney Spears”.
Social media craze over the #freebritney movement garners Spartan support as Britney is relieved from her dad’s control.
“I remember I was in third period, and my class started talking about Britney’s dad having a grip over her and how he’s abused the power he’s had over her,” said junior Alaa Elhiraika. “Britney Spears is this icon that everyone has known for years, and it hurt knowing she had been in the industry for that long and she had been controlled forever.”
Britney Spears was placed under a conservatorship when the legal system appointed a guardian (her father) to control her financial means and business affairs due to the mental incapability’s the courts saw in Britney. Throughout recent years, Britney’s fans and other celebrities have banded together to create the #freebritney movement to try and relieve her from the conservatorship after hearing her complaints. They managed to reach success as her father, James Spears, was removed as the conservator.
“It’s inspirational that all these celebrities are coming together to support Britney, the same celebrities that grew up with her,” said junior Amelia Fox. “They’re putting their differences aside because they understand that what was happening to her is wrong and she needed to be liberated.”
Elon Musk and other notable figures have tweeted, posted, and talked about the #freebritney movement, declaring their support for Britney and their hopes for her future. These mentions all helped to grow the movement and demonstrate the power of social media.
“Social media made people more aware of the situation and created a bunch of people that were backing her up which all put pressure on the courts,” exclaimed junior Andrea McCoy.
The movement was successful in not only informing fans but also informing Britney. During court, Britney claimed she didn’t know she could petition to remove the conservatorship, demonstrating the lack of information that her legal team was providing for her. Her questionable legal team’s actions all played a part in making the #freebritney movement sound like a conspiracy.
“It was a conspiracy theory at first, people would see her wearing a yellow shirt and say she’s begging for help because that’s what the yellow shirt symbolized but then when the movement exploded it no longer became a conspiracy theory but a reality,” exclaimed Elhiraika.
The realities of Britney’s life sadden her fans for the past years, and they mourn for the time she might have lost.
“The conservatorship controlled everything she did and it’s super sad because she couldn’t enjoy life to its full potential since it limited so many things,” said McCoy.
Although through the removal of her father as a conservator, her fans rejoice in their victory and are hopeful for her future.
“I was really happy she was relieved from her Dad’s restraint,” stated Elhiraika. “I was also really happy to hear the judge was adamant about telling her Dad what he did was not okay.”