After several years without a talent show, the modified Spartans Got Talent has returned, sparking excitement amongst participants and attendees.
A previous version of a talent show, Mr. Spartan, was only for boys and dated back into the 1980s. It was discontinued after the final performance in 2016. While auditioning to perform in front of a large student body may seem nerve-racking, most students trying out were excited.
“Why not? I’m a senior. What’s the worst that could happen, I’m graduating,” said senior Gillian Robards, who sang for the show.
For students not in the choir, band, or theatre department, the show is a good opportunity to demonstrate talent to an audience.
“I had this impulse to do some sort of performance. I saw the announcement and just figured that was my excuse,” said senior Astro Musman, who also sang.
Musman and Robards are not in a choir class but they both enjoy singing, which led them to participate.
“I hope to bring something unique and hopefully energetic,” said Musman.
The Student Government Association (SGA) recently got approval this year for the show to be revitalized, after multiple years with no show, even though senior and SGA member Farzeen Ahsan had proposed it multiple times.
“We thought about it last year and we talked about it, but no one actually recognized it,” said Ahsan.
The SGA creates proposals before they bring their ideas up to administration, which can determine its approval or its denial.
“This time, we sat down and we had a list of things in the winter that we wanted. We sent out the proposal and the show got approved,” Ahsan said.
Students hope that the new Spartans Got Talent will continue on in place of the old performance.
“I really hope this isn’t one of those things that the SGA just goes, ‘Oh, we’re doing it. Nevermind, we’re not,’” said senior Angel Riley, who also sang.
Senior Ryan Ponmakha placed third, freshman Adam Brown second, and freshman Lucas Liu first at the show. Senior Maile Stansberry was voted by the crowd as the favorite performance.
Talent show stuns with return

Photo courtesy of Katelyn Hurley
(Left to right) Freshman Adam Brown, senior Ryan Ponmakha, freshman Lucas Liu, senior Maile Stansberry, freshman Seth Angermiller and junior Sofia Calzadilla stand in front of the crowd after being placed.
Photo courtesy of Katelyn Hurley
Senior Ryan Ponmakha demonstrated Persian snapping for his talent.
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