In the heart of WS’ spirited community, one name resonates with a legacy of unwavering commitment and boundless enthusiasm. Meet JP Ogden, the embodiment of Sparty, the school’s mascot.
“During my junior year we were going through things in the leadership room and I found the costume and once I tried it on, I knew I wanted to wear it and represent WS,” said Ogden.
Prior to Ogden’s time as Sparty, there were only around five previous owners of the suit dating all the way back to the late 1970s.
“I know that there is a long legacy of the suit, but my friend did it my sophomore year at one of the spring pep rallies which made me want to do it too. I saw it as kind of an inspiration in that way,” said Ogden.
As for behind the mask, Ogden’s vibrant personality shines through. Excelling in sports as a swim captain and as a baseball player, he has also showcased his leadership skills as the SGA president and as a DECA member.
“As well as being Sparty, I get to be SGA president and sort of see the things that we put together and leadership roles and how it all ties together,” said Ogden.
Ogden has had many favorite moments here at WS. However, one memory sticks out particularly.
“My favorite memory is definitely homecoming in the suit, because I just see a sea of orange as the cheerleaders boost me up into the air,” said Ogden.
While he enjoyed the electrifying atmosphere of football games, he also recalls the first time he wore the suit to a game.
“First time I put on the suit and helmet in public was at the 2022 Mount Vernon football game. No one even knew it was me until I got chest bumped and my helmet fell off. After that, people in the hallways that I had never even talked to just started coming up to me. I made new friends and connections, and I am so thankful for that,” said Ogden.
As JP prepares to graduate, his departure leaves behind a void that will be keenly felt.
“I think it takes a certain person to be the next Sparty, someone energetic and happy to represent WS. It’s hot, it’s sweaty and it’ll stink up your car when you’re driving in it, but in the end it’s all worth it to be able to stand out on the field and look up from a different perspective,” said Ogden.
JP plans to attend a four year university and major in business or communications. He also looks forward to bringing pep and spirit to his next school.
“Being the mascot definitely made my time here at WS an unforgettable and a cherished chapter in my life,” said Ogden.