We’ve got spirit! Yah or nah?

Those dedicated weeks, even the random ones, really what give us motivation to look silly, keep showing up

There’s nothing a girl looks forward to more than a week of not having to pick an outfit daily.

Luckily, WS SGA provides for with three spirit weeks throughout the year. Each day has a designated theme that provides a preconceived outfit idea, cutting down the amount of time I spend staring at my closet trying to decide what to wear the following day. Instead, I get to borrow the outfits that are buried in my neighbors’ closets, parading them around the school in pride as people ask “where in the world did you find that?”

In addition to being a time saver, spirit weeks make school fun. Most mornings, the first thing I do when I emerge from my glorious cocoon of sleep is calculate the amount of time I have to keep my eyes open before I can fall back into my bed (this is the only way to trek through junior year). However, spirit weeks are different. I jump out of bed, eager to suit up in a ridiculous costume and let my enthusiasm for school spirit shine.

Motivation for school is a welcome change to the mundane days that happen when we aren’t having spirit weeks. Looking ridiculous is fun, too. Stomping around the school in flippers is fun. Wearing a wetsuit that makes you sweat through your pants is fun. Being Cookie Monster is fun. But more fun than looking ridiculous is seeing other people look ridiculous. Looking across the classroom to see Napoleon Dynamite is fun. A hallway full of teenage boys in camouflage is fun. An entire class of orange is fun, too. Sprit weeks are fun.

School is not traditionally exciting. However, thanks to programs like SGA, leadership, and peer mediation, school can be a place that students look forward to going to in the morning. And it can be more exciting  if these spirit weeks take place more often. Looking forward to school fifteen or so days of the year is great; it’s much better than dreading it for 180 days of the year. However, increasing the number of “fun” days of the year would be sweet.

Thank you, SGA, for showing me that school can be fun. I’ll spend the next few months counting the hours until I can return to my bed, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I know that it won’t last forever. School was fun, and it will be fun again. Until the next spirit week, WS.