Safety is important—It’s that simple

With all the different directions that students are being pulled, they shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they are safe in school.
Schools portray themselves as being a safe haven for students against judgment, bullying and physical harm, but events in recent history have proven that maybe schools aren’t as safe as they claim to be. From Sandyhook to the missing girl at University of Virginia, schools have shown that they are not as competent at protecting children as the public believes them to be. Every morning mothers walk their children to the bus stop an assuming that their children will be returned to them in eight hours safely. The mothers leave the bus stop with light hearts thinking they left their children in good hands. This theory is now being challenged.
Schools across the country have tightened their policies concerning student safety. At WS security guards have begun locking all doors, cracking down on who comes in and out of the building and what kinds of things people are allowed to bring into school. Students at WS complain about these policies because they are inconvenient, but they keep everyone safe.
Locks down drills are, overall, not taken seriously by teachers and students. There are teachers who will continue to teach during drills. How are students supposed to take safety drills seriously when teachers don’t feel the need to take time about of their class to prepare for the worst?
The biggest problem arises when students, teachers and administrators think that nothing bad will happen at their school; this is why safety drills are not taken seriously. I am unsure of what needs to happen to shock the public into realizing how tangible the threat to student safety is.
Students can be somewhat to blame. At WS, students do not take safety measures seriously; for example they leave trashcans in doors to keep them open and will leave school unannounced. All these small actions seem insignificant but it makes the administration’s job of keeping us safe in school harder than it needs to be. Students should do all they can to contribute to their own safety.By complaining to others about safety in schools students are putting off blame on those who dont deserve it. Aministation works very hard to keep students at WS safe and should be thanked.
When citizens complain that schools should be safer for students they should consider all the factors that play into a school’s ability keep their students safe.