Saving for $enior year
Seniors are savoring the last few months that they have left with their classmates.
To bond as a graduating class before Spartans leave to various colleges or jobs all over the country, WS administration and Spartan parents have been organizing a packed schedule of exciting events just for the class of 2015. The next three months are brimming with fun… beach week, a day at Busch Gardens, a class picnic, prom, the all-night grad party, graduation… the list is extensive.
The myriad of opportunities seem enticing, but students are growing aware that there is a price to pay for having fun. Since events often cost over $100, the bills soon pile up. Along with the dues for these social amenities, the wondrously high costs of the college process are cringe-worthy. Application fees, costs for sending SAT and ACT scores, transcript forms, and college visit trips– these add up quickly depending on the number of schools seniors applied to.
Unfortunately, not everyone can afford the high costs of all the events and fees associated with senior year. The issue now comes down to priorities. All of these class activities are the final opportunities to spend time with friends, but the combination of senior dues and separate class trip dues is daunting. Many of us are deciding to pick and choose which events we can afford to attend. So what will be on the cutting block—Prom? All-Night Grad?
Having to miss out on one of these seems unfair. It doesn’t make sense that events meant to bring the whole class together are going to be missing a portion of students who couldn’t bring themselves to spend so much to socialize. A lot of us have to ask ourselves if we would rather miss out on summer plans or regret not coming out to a special day with our senior peers.
Why are we paying so much for these senior activities? For events that are meant to be all-inclusive, it seems that the money factor is turning many students away. For some, missing out on prom to save up money for summer plans or travels seems like a feasible option. On the other hand, missing a once in a lifetime night and national tradition might infuriate our families and have us regretting our choice years later. High school is about making memories and the fact that we have to weigh the pros and cons of spending time with each other is ridiculous. Prices are inhibiting senior traditions– $eniors should not be expected to splurge!