Cold War between the texters at the Theater

The world is separated into two very different groups: those who text during movies and those who do not.

A war has been long brewing between those who enjoy a quiet movie atmosphere and those who prefer to share the movie experience with others. The large movie theater companies, such as IMAX and Regal Theaters, have considered stopping the warfare that has raged between these two groups. Talk has surfaced on various blogs and articles about the possibility of a ‘texting’ and ‘non-texting’ section of the movie theater. Would this Iron Curtain really solve the issue? At this point why not instead have ‘texting’ movies and ‘non-texting’ movies or even separate specialized theaters? When will the madness end? Maybe when people learn to just put up with a few things and be more tolerant.

On one hand, we have all been in the situation of watching the newest movie in theaters and right as the movie is getting to the best part you hear some shrieks and giggles from a group of people texting and not even paying attention to the movie. Not only are the flashing lights blinding and disrupting from the movie but between the various phone noises and laughter you can’t even hear the movie!

On the other hand, life does not stop just for a movie. It is not as if perjury is being committed! A few texts here and there just to keep up with life or a comment about the movie to a friend or two is not hurting anyone! All of the sudden people all over are glaring and shushing, acting as if texting is a terrible crime.

Both sides have valid points, but one has to give it to the ‘non-texters’. Many representatives from the major theaters have commented that they do not approve of texting during the movie and the preview slides continue to grow in number warning movies goers to turn off or at least silence their phones. Even if you look at it from the point of view of the management and actors, they have put hard work and dedicated their lives to producing this film. If you truly are not going to pay full attention to it, you might as well wait until it comes out on Netflix. This way you can text to your heart’s content.

The current problem still needs some kind of fix. To the ‘texters’: try not to be as obvious and maybe be slightly more considerate of others around you. To the ‘non-textors’: take a chill pill because yes, it can be a little annoying, but being rude is no excuse. We could try being civil and just politely signaling for the person to either cover up the text best as possible or just hurry up and send it. But please, stop the war over one little pet peeve.