From YouTubers to celebrities

Record a video and post it on YouTube, and you too can become famous.

From make-up tutorials to “People are Awesome” videos, young adults surfing the web are bound to find what they’re looking for on the various channels that YouTubers have created. These videos are often recorded by amateurs, who, with a bit of luck, can end up famous.

MissGlamorazzi, known as Ingrid to her friends and family, began sharing her beauty tutorials on YouTube in 2009. As she gained subscribers to her channel, she started earning money from advertisements before her videos, and soon YouTubing became her profession.  She now travels all over the world, sharing her make-up, hair, and style advice with all sorts of people.

Similarly, Justin Bieber posted videos of his singing on YouTube as a preteen. His bit of luck came in the form of executive agents, who thought his singing had potential and contacted him. A few years later he became one of the biggest tween sensations of his time.

Cimorelli can relate to JBiebs. This group of eleven siblings sings A Capella pop songs and classics alike, sounding remarkably like the designated song. YouTube allowed them to go on tour this past year, and their singing continues to be a hit.

Dropping the f-bomb every two seconds and dressing dogs up wasn’t considered funny until Jenna Mourey. Known as Jenna Marbles to her YouTube fans, this blonde comedian posts videos that educate the general public on “How to Trick People into Thinking You’re Good-Looking” and “How to Avoid Talking To People You Don’t Want To Talk To”. While a majority of her advice is arguably impractical, her hilarious quips keep her subscribers entertained week after week. Perhaps the most ironic part regarding her fame is her would-be occupation had she not become YouTube famous. If she had not blogged, she would have ended up as a counselor.

YouTube has been an outlet for many people. It helped Justin Bieber and his single mother support themselves after he gained fame. It taught Cimorelli to follow their dreams. It has encouraged thousands of people to record and post videos, and the website has morphed into a center for creativity. But perhaps most importantly, YouTube provides teenagers like us with people like Jenna Marbles to keep us entertained.