Keeping up with Kanye
Yeezy Season 2 creates a buzz among the fashion world

Photo courtesy of Randy Brooke
Kanye West, otherwise known as Yeezy, is showing off the highly anticipated sequel to his first clothing line: Yeezy Season 2. If you‘re just an “Average Joe,” don’t even think about purchasing the collection, because this type of fashion, just isn’t for you.
December 1, 2015
“Nobody can tell me where I can and can’t go.”
These wise words were spoken by the great Kanye West. Most people usually recognize West as an arrogant rapper, but he’s so much more than that. He is also a fashion designer. That’s right, Kanye West is a fashion designer. His clothing line is called Yeezy and he revealed his Yeezy Season 2 collection that will be available for purchase in the spring of 2016. Despite his big reveal, students at WS dislike the new clothes. Junior Nate Fox is among those who dislike the collection.
“Those clothes are so ugly. Those clothes are crap,” Fox said.
To many people, West’s new collection looks extremely similar to characters Star Wars. The only colors that are shown in the collection are beige, green, brown, and black. There are not many people who would wear clothes that make them look like Jedi Masters.
In addition to the clothes resembling Star Wars characters, the pricing of the clothes are ridiculous. One sweater from Yeezy’s collection would definitely cost someone about 2,000 dollars. Senior Caleb Plott does not like West’s new collection at all, comparing the clothes to clothes homeless people wear.
“It makes me hesitant about giving homeless people money now because I can’t tell if they are wearing Kanye’s clothes or they are actually homeless,” Plott said.
Senior Dwayne Branch has a similar opinion. He could not stop laughing at West’s collection, banging the table with amusement. Branch could barely get his words out. He howled at the sight of West’s collection and ‘roasted’ it.
“It looks like they’re trying to reenact the Prince of Egypt,” Branch said.
Despite the students who dislike Yeezy Season 2, there is one, Junior Aiden Trizna, who did not grimace at the sight of West’s clothing line. Trizna did not insult the clothes at first, but he does not necessarily like them either.
“It’s very unique,” Trizna said.
Trizna, however, did say that the clothes were not attractive and he would not recommend them to his friends, or anyone he knows. He definitely would not wear the clothes himself.
Disregarding the haters, Mr. West’s Yeezy Season 2 clothing line will still come out next spring, and people will still purchase the collection, not caring about the ridiculously high prices. People also will not care about the dull colors. Mosty people, however, will have the same opinion as Trizna:
“It’s just not my style.”