Exploring Plizzanet Earth with Snoop Dogg

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People watch with laughter as Snoop Dogg displays his hilarious narration abilities.
March 30, 2016
From rapper, to movie actor, to Planet Earth narrator, Snoop “Doggy” Dogg, is now an inspirational Earth narrator.
“Plizzanet Earth,” as referred to by Snoop Dogg, is an intense television show that shows animals attacking each other among other activities.
So far he has narrated seven animal documentaries, and is known to be hilarious to the viewers. His documentaries have reached up to two million views, the highest of which is the “Otters vs. Crocs.”
“He has the same sense of humor as some of my friends,” said sophomore Jana Kalivoda.
Some of the more comical incidents is when Snoop Dogg says, “I ain’t neva seen no gator get punked by no mongooses,” and, “yeah back up fool, we dem boyz.”
One might ask, “What does a rapper know about the planet earth?” Although he might not know much about such a topic, it is more interesting, as well as amusing, for someone like Snoop Dogg to narrate a segment on a TV show.
“He makes it funny, and I think he can make a lot of money, by that show, because it’s humorous,” said Kalivoda.
“Plizzanet Earth” was first introduced as a segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live, which is where the name was changed from Planet Earth to Plizzanet Earth.
“I think the fact that Jimmy Kimmel started it is genius,” said Junior Christian Leja.
There has been a petition started by a fan, named Kelly Ooton, to make it an actual TV show. It has already acquired the support of 16 thousand people, who have already given their signatures.
Snoop tweeted, “Who made this? Let’s get this going. who wants more #Plizzanet Earth.” It was clear that Snoop Dogg wanted this to go viral, and it did.
Many Spartans hope for a full season. Unfrotunately, that is very unlikely, despite how good of an idea it is.
“I really hope he gets to make a full season of it,” said Leja, “Its a really finny segment.”
The man who originally narrated Planet Earth was Sir David Attenborough, a well-known British voice over narrator, who works on many other TV shows. He is currently the Planet Earth narrator.
Attenborough was mentioned when the topic of replacing him with Snoop Dogg came up. He has not commented on “Plizzanet Earth” yet, and has not gotten as much notice as Snoop Dogg.