Alicia Keys likes to go naked
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Alicia Keys has decided to start the #NoMakeup movement
September 30, 2016
Being in the spotlight and having to wear makeup to meet the standards of the people around you, can be too much sometimes for Alicia keys.
Judging is in this generation’s nature. People judge women who wear makeup and women who don’t. And when someone as beautiful as Alicia Keys decides to not wear makeup, the rest of the world feels the need to criticize her.
This whole controversy was something the media made out of nothing. Keys started this not for the media, but for her own needs. I know it’s hard to believe, but celebrities have privacy too. If she made this decision for her self-confidence, that’s something we shouldn’t intrude on. And if we do, we should talk about how we support her.
Keys started the #nomakeup movement. She inspired women all around the world to show their true selves after feeling insecure herself. It created a lack of confidence in her whenever she would leave her home, and thought too much about what other people thought and wanted to learn how to think for herself (credited to E News). The sad thing is that a lot of women are like this and by having someone as famous as Alicia keys do it, many women felt they could do it too.
It’s hard for many celebrities to do something as big as changing their image in the way Keys did. The number one thing celebrities need to do is keep their image because it’s what people expects from them. It may not be a big deal for women who aren’t celebrities to stop wearing makeup. But people need to realize that Keys has spent her life trying to keep up with all the expectations thrown at her. Finally, she decided that it’s time for her to show people that she doesn’t need the approval of others to feel beautiful.
To be beautiful you have to feel beautiful, and that doesn’t always mean wearing makeup. It could be trying something new, or finding a way to boost your confidence. It’s different for everyone. Keys found the way to do that and that made people either happy or mad. But when you’re someone like Keys, there’s always going to be people with negative Criticism. You have to learn to dodge those judgments and the only way to do that is to be confident.