Don’t Breathe might not be as good as it looks

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Don’t Breathe comes to theaters August 25, 2016.
September 30, 2016
Don’t hold your breath waiting for this movie to get good. “Don’t Breathe” is a scary, thrilling movie that will be sure to make you jump. It was frightening, but it is not that great.
At first, it is hard to know who you should side with. Should you side with the three kids who are breaking the law by trying to rob a blind man? Or should you side with The Blind Man who is trying to kill the kids so they can’t rob him?
The kids who want to get the money actually need the money, but should they get it by robbing a blind man? There is some foreshadowing in the movie. Alex, played by Dylan Minnette, is very hesitant to include himself in this burglary. He knows that something bad will come from this, and he even says that it is messed up to rob a blind man.
Alex is right. Blind people often have stronger senses, like hearing and smell, because they have no sight. The Blind Man, played by Stephen Lang, hears the kids in his house, and he obviously wants them to get out.
At first, The Blind Man only thinks that there is one person in his house. Money, played by Daniel Zovatto, is caught by The Blind Man. Money tries to kill The Blind Man in a fight, but The Blind Man strangled Money.
Rocky, witnessing this, knows that she and Alex have to get out of that house immediately. It is very hard, however, to escape the house with deadbolts on every door and a rabid dog that barks at everything. It takes them the whole second half of the movie to escape.
The lighting in the movie is weird. They rob him at 2 am, but then once The Blind Man wakes up, there is light through some of the windows. How could it be pitch black outside when they go in the house, and then sunlight coming through the windows not much later?
After many attempts to escape, Rocky and Alex find a secret in the basement that reveals how psychotic The Blind Man really is. This is unpredictable, but it was clearly only added to make the audience want the kids to get out even more and to make the movie more thrilling.
The movie was pretty predictable, but there was still some parts that you might not see coming. It was scary, but honestly it was not worth the $14 to see it in theaters.