Keeping up with Kanye: Robbers in Paris
Photo courtesy of Mary J. DiMeglio
Kim, Kanye, and the rest of the Kardashian family is going through a turbulent time, as Kim is recovering from being savagely robbed at gunpoint during the 2016 Paris Fashion Week.
December 7, 2016
The first Monday of October was a devastating day for Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian, as she went through a .
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have probably heard about Kim Kardashian being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, France during the Paris Fashion Week. Kardashian was residing in the Hotel de Pourtales, otherwise known as the No Address Hotel when five men dressed like police officers and locked Kardashian in the bathroom and took millions of dollars’ worth of her possessions.
Kardashian’s body guard, Pascal Duvier, was out with Kim’s other sisters, Kourtney and Kendall, when Kim was “safely” in her hotel. It turns out she was not safe at all as she was robbed and left completely traumatized. Kanye was in the middle of a concert when one of the backstage members went up on stage and informed West that his wife had been robbed. He was actually performing “Heartless” when he got the news which is ironic.
When news of the robbery got out to the public, people took to Twitter to voice their opinions. The majority of those people were glad that Kardashian was robbed; completely disregarding the fact that she is a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a sister. Thankfully, students at WS are much more compassionate than those Twitter savages.
“It’s a pretty big thing. When people think of Kim Kardashian, they think fake, but this robbery shows that she’s actually a mom who’s fearing for her life,” said senior Connor Plaska, who looks at this situation form an objective point of view.
Kardashian is fearing for her life, as she has not been seen publically as often, and even when she is out in public, she has increased security that follows her every move. Keeping Up With the Kardashians was even cancelled for that week, as Kardashian and her family recovered.
“She’s an actual person who got robbed,” said senior Hailey Olsen, who completely agrees with Plaska’s opinion.
Despite how you may feel about Kardashian and her family, you have to at least feel bad about her getting robbed. Being robbed would be a traumatic experience for anyone and nobody wants to have their belongings forcibly taken from them. If you’re a person who is glad that Kardashian was robbed, you’re a horrible person with no soul.
“You wouldn’t want that to happen to you. I would’ve stopped the show too,” said Olsen.