‘The Zookeepers Wife’s’ story

Photo courtesy of Scion Films
The zookeepers wife stars Jessica Chastain and Daniel Bruhl. Chastain plays as Antonina Zabinski
April 28, 2017
A happily ever after is never truly justified without the path leading to it. “The Zookeeper’s Wife” is a true story that includes drama, romance and action.
“The Zookeeper” was a movie that was made in 2001 in the perspective of Dr. Jan Zabinski. “The Zookeeper’s Wife” takes this story from her point of view and while witnessing her struggle throughout the war.
Antonina Zabinski and her husband owned a zoo in Warsaw, Poland, a place where families would go and children would play. The zoo still exists today and continues to have that same impact in its community. Even though the War’s influence on this area in Europe was vast, they both did what they could to help the people that were in need. Because of that, they eventually won the polish righteous among the nations.
Adversity would be the theme of this movie because it takes the audience through the struggle of the war. The tribulation and affliction that they both experienced helped create the story that is being told today.
The history behind the war is usually generalized by the winnings and losing of certain countries. But in this story you get to learn about an individual’s experience and the true emotion behind the holocaust.
The movie did an incredible job capturing the cruelty and inhumanity behind the war. The harsh realities and not just the known picture that is usually given.
Love is a big factor in the movie, the love for animals and for people. But the shift happens as time goes by. This is where the movie shares a connection with its audience, because the love for family and friends is very well displayed in the film. The intensity grows from a happy setting to the war nearly destroying everyone and everything they love.
Antonina served as a strong woman figure throughout the film. During this time period, women weren’t as appreciated and given equal responsibility as the men, but she created this person who made a stay-at- home mom look like an inspiration.
I found myself in tears by the end of movie because of the phenomenal acting that recreated the real emotions that Antonina and Jan felt.The film overall brought an unforgettable experience and helped create a better image as to how life may have been at this time. You never know what truly happens until you hear it from someone who has witnessed it.