Looksmaxxing, a TikTok trend catered to males, is being practiced by boys at WS.
Looksmaxxing consists of mewing—the practice of sticking one’s tongue to the roof of their mouth to give them a more defined jawline—cutting out shampoo to give the hair a more “textured” look, going to the gym and creating a skincare routine.
“I don’t think looksmaxxing actually works. It seems like an internet meme or joke that you should not take seriously,” said junior Patryck Reed.
Some students believe that aspects of looksmaxxing work and others do not. Arguments on looksmaxxing find fault in the practices unsupported by evidence.
“I think to some degree looksmaxxing works. Going to the gym, cleaning up your diet and proper hygiene are great, but things like mewing are useless if you are trying to improve your jaw structure,” said junior Mabon VanThompson.
Breathing exclusively through one’s nose is another aspect of the looksmaxxing trend.
“Switching from mouth-breathing to nose-breathing actually helps and improves your appearance,” said sophomore Hayden Carl.
According to an article from the National Library of Medicine, breathing through the nose increases aerobic capacity and strengthens the chin muscles in the face, compared to breathing through the mouth, which lowers someone’s heartbeat, weakens the jaw and lowers endurance.
People don’t only look at looksmaxxing as a routine to fix their physical appearance, but also as something that improves their mental state.
“Looksmaxxing also gives you confidence, just that routine and regiment that it can create puts confidence in yourself,” said Carl.
Many people that participate in looksmaxxing say it improves their mental health as well. Some people don’t just do the routine for physical improvement, but also to improve their mental status. When some individuals who looksmaxx see improvement in their appearance, they also find themselves to be more happy and confident as well.
“After COVID-19, I found myself having gained weight, and I wanted to make a positive change. I established healthy routines for myself, such as meal prepping, sleeping earlier and exercising,” said junior JJ Tiago.
One reason for students to “glow up” is because they want to appear more confident or make new friends. They think that if they improve their appearance or attitude, they will attract more people or friends.
“I wanted to better myself because I felt like I was never going to be able to make new friends if I didn’t. I started to smile more often in photos, I grew out my hair so that I can style better and I became a more outgoing person so I can appear more confident,” said senior Omari Patterson.
People’s opinions on looksmaxxing are mixed: there are those who are strongly for looksmaxxing, those strongly against it and also a middle ground. People will continue to follow looksmaxxing and other self-care routines to reach what they consider to be their full potential.
While looksmaxxing and other trends may come and go, it is most important that students feel confident with themselves and their options. Ultimately, no matter what health-conscious choices students make, they may do so at their own discretion and decision.