“Midnights” by Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift isn’t an artist I’ve been paying attention to recently, but due to this album exceeding my expectations I might have to look more into her. Taylor Swift did well when it comes to giving audiences something to enjoy, regardless of their preferred genre. When one first hears of the album’s release, they may not understand the hype around it until actually starting to listen to her words and understanding them.
“SOS” by SZA

SZA’s “SOS” album is a refreshing taste of music from the past few months. The lyrics, beats, variety and replayability are what makes this album so good. There’s over 23 tracks, all carrying a different mood or tone. Some tracks that stand out in the album are “Good Days”, “Snooze”, “I Hate U”, and “Blind”.
“GUTS” by Olivia Rodrigo

This is the perfect album for a girl going through her first heartbreak. Some may label Olivia Rodrigo as a mediocre new artist with unoriginal lyricism, but this album proves this bias wrong. Every lyric can be felt through every one of one’s bones and every simile and metaphor she incorporated speakers directly to the listener’s heart. The screaming, raw emotion and even the quiet melodies put all the unspoken thoughts of a teenage girl into one album.
“Did You Know There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd” by Lana Del Rey

Compared to all the other Grammy-nominated albums, this one is underwhelming. While this album did produce many popular songs with relatable feelings, it was hard to tell when one song ended and when another began. They all sounded relatively the same, and, and there was no diversity within this album. This has a couple great hits, but overall, it’s pretty average.