Little girls and boys invade the hearts of WS students

The Spartan preschool lined up for the Halloween trick or treating an annual walking around the halls of WS going from class to class. The preschool children are escorted by teenage Spartans while they march down the halls on their way to get goodies from the teachers at WS. The Spartan preschool teaches kids about the responsibility of helping kids. By taking this elective they are showing that they have the incitive to take on a challenge.
November 30, 2015
When most people sign up for an elective, they hope to get an easy class with a minimal amount of work, but not the Spartans who take Spartan preschool, otherwise known as Early Childhood Career (ECC).
Although it might not seem like a lot of work or as a difficult class, the class involves preparing for the incoming preschoolers.
ECC is an elective that Spartans can take at WS for two semesters and if they want they can take ECC 2 next year.
Many of the Spartans involved in this class really enjoy it and would consider taking it again the following year.The class focuses on the task of being with little preschoolers and learning how to manage the kids in a classroom.
“I chose to take this class because I am thinking of becoming a preschool teacher,” said junior Carol Aylas.
The Spartans in ECC 1 are taught by the ECC 2’s. The 1’s are required to interview the 2s about what to expect from the class.
The preschoolers are only at WS on orange days. They are picked up by the ECC students at 10 a.m. at the [main entrance], with a rope awaiting them.
The rope is used to keep them in line and not get lost. The preschoolers come from an elementary school in the area and from a day care.
The preschoolers are known to behave pretty well.
“Most of the time they behave, since last week was their first week here a few were a little hyper,” said senior Anastasia Carey.
Some might think that being in a room with little preschoolers, who are almost always hyper, always loud, and like to run around, would be a complete disaster. How would one prepare for this type of class? Where would one even start?
Preparation involves having discussions as a class, planning out activities for the preschoolers, and knowing how to manage your time with the activities that are involved.
Some activities they have kidsdo are free play, and teach them lessons that involve math, science, and language arts.
The Spartans in this class have taken an interest in this elective as an opportunity to interact with preschoolers and for the experience of taking care of children.
“I chose this class because I love working with kids and I would definitely take it again next year,” said Carey.
Even Spartans that are not involved in the class like it.
“Spartan preschool is a great learning experience for students taking it as it prepares them for future child careers,” said Junior Christian Leja.