New athletic facilities open
Photo courtesy of Olivia Penna
WS gymnasts use the new room to practice their beam routine after school. The new studio allows the gymnastics team to schedule their practices more conveniently and provides a better floor surface than the cafeteria for dance.
February 19, 2019
While the years of construction are coming to an end, the start of the 2019 year gives athletes new tools to further their success.
Over winter break, construction was hard at work as they finished up the new weight room, athletic trainer’s facility, and the dance/gymnastics room.
For many years, the gymnastics team would have to share the gymnasium with other winter sports, but with inclusion of a new practice room, it allows the team to have afternoon practices without worrying about other teams. The room has new flooring and mirrors that line the walls for the athletes to learn and watch themselves as they perform their routines.
“[It’s nice] we don’t have to accommodate to other teams,” said Senior Sadie Brown. “No more evening practices and we can leave some equipment in the new room so we don’t have to move it everyday.”
The gymnastics room also serves as a dance studio. In the past, the WSDT would use the cafeteria to practice their routines, but the new flooring and mirrors make everything much easier for the dancers.
“There are mirrors lining the walls, so it will be easier to watch ourselves for mistakes in routines rather than relying on our coaches to see everything,” said junior Cassady Welch. “[Also,] the floors are wooden and not solid tile which hurts our knees a lot less.”
To go with the new practice room, a new weight room has been implemented for athletes and PF students to use to stay fit and healthy throughout their years at WS. The new weight room comes with new equipment and color-coded weights for ease of use.
“We are still getting used to the room and the possibilities it offers but already our students are able to complete more work in less time that increases opportunities for students to learn and grow,” said PF teacher Brendan Campbell. “The new room also has 10 pieces of brand new cardio equipment that we did not have in the old room.”
With any physical activity comes the risk of injuries. And as the construction of the school comes nears its end, a new athletic trainer’s room was built to maintain both the health and the safety of the students. The new room comes with whirlpools and electrical stimulation units to help student’s bodies and allows the trainer’s to help students of any body and size.
“The new devices give us more treatment options so that we can cater to the specific needs of each athlete; not all athletes are built the same,” said trainer Christopher Worrell. “We are able to treat soft tissues, strength muscle, and help the athletes prepare for their next competition in more ways than this school has ever had.”