Say goodbye to personal bubbles
Fairfax County is the nation’s 13th largest school system, and after squeezing into the jam-packed classrooms, we do not doubt it.
We house over 2,300 students, rivaling the size of some colleges. This, however, is less than our counterparts in Annandal,e whose student body exceeds its capacity by at least 500.
There are some benefits to the overpopulation. Increased numbers creates some healthy competition, and if we do not like our friends, we have more people to choose from. But in addition to depriving us of our wiggle room, it may take a toll on our grades.
Some teachers are requesting that students ask ahead of time to attend their irregular Spartan Time to make sure there is room, which is understandable. But if space is not available and they are denied access, students may find themselves in a bind. Staying after school is not always an option, due to prior obligations, no late bus, and so forth. If students cannot receive the help they need, that defeats the purpose of Spartan Time.
The increasingly slanted teacher to student ratio may also take away educational opportunities. In a recent study by Adam Gamoran of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, students do better in smaller classroom settings. This is because it makes learning more intelligent, and the student receives more attention from teachers.
Also, the more people crammed together the more rapidly sickness spreads. When we are smushed together with all these snotty, coughing people we can imagine that we’ll catch what they have. Plus the effect it has on the bathroom lines is annoying. Especially when at least one stall always isn’t working, we think we’ll take our chances leaving during class.
There is not a whole lot we can do. It’s not like we can kick out excessive students (nor should we want to). So while the weather is still nice, we should take some classes outside. The Japanese Garden looks like a fine Physics classroom, and the fresh air will cleanse our airways. (Plus, what better place to pick flowers for your date coming up this weekend than the great outdoors?)
So until our school magically grows, remember “the more the merrier”. And we might want to say good-bye to our elbow room.