Seniors can now catch some extra zZzZzzs

Come one, come all! Listen to the spectacular news that will give you the urge to jump up and down the hall! Well, if you’re a senior that is.

FCPS has decided to give seniors the opportunity to drop their first and second period classes if they do not need that specific class to graduate (sorry not sorry underclassmen) Seniors, prepare to set your alarm clocks an hour later.  Also, since WS does not start until 8 on Wednesdays, seniors do not even have to arrive until 9:28 while all you unfortunate little underclassmen will be in class learning about the elements on the periodic table.

Now let me explain to you the perks of having this option and how grateful I am that it is being put in effect for the class of 2014.

Senioritis is very infectious. Who knew it would impact me this much this early into the school year? No senior wants to spend more time at school than they truly have to.  The struggle of getting out of bed at six in the morning is real, but knowing that every other day I do not have to wake up at six and can get out of bed an hour or so later is beyond a blessing.  Plus, since seniors are superior, our beauty sleep is essential to us so that we can arrive to school well rested to ride our scooters down the hallway.

Also, seniors are still recuperating from the lack of sleep we got junior year. This is a great way for FCPS to apologize to us for being so cruel during our junior year. On that note: I hope you juniors rested up this summer, however if you did not, do not fret. At least you have something to look forward to for your senior year. Until then, good luck!

Furthermore, by not having either a first or second period, seniors only have six classes. Hence the workload for senior year is manageable!  Who would have thought? Now seniors, appreciate this since the first semester of high school is stressing out about college applications. The last thing we need to worry about on top of college applications is doing additional work for classes that we do not need to graduate.

In all seriousness though, thank you FCPS from the bottom of my heart. While senior year will be stressful, having the extra time to sleep instead of going to an additional class has unquestionably already made senior year enormously practicable.

Underclassmen; hopefully this new option will stay in effect for you but if not, sorry not sorry.