School or sardine can?

Getting to class on time is nearly impossible

In a school built for a 1,500 people, having over 2,000 student’s causes over crowded classes and jam packed hallways.

While carefully navigating the halls, students will always try to dodge around areas like senior rail, the stairway near the trailers, and the band hallway. At these few places in the school the low student capacity and high volume of students result in traffic jams that can cost students valued minutes on their way in between classes. To beat the crowds student must rush into the halls and through the crowded areas are wait for the halls to clear up and then

Besides causing major traffic jams the large quantity of students strain the schools facilities and lessen the time students have to transfer to other classes in the day. In between classes students often have to go to their lockers, change out class materials, and find a way through all the traffic to their next class.

The school is already old and now the facilities are becoming crammed. Two years ago the administration added a fourth lunch to accommodate the large lunch lines. The school has 9 trailers to provide extra class rooms but the halls are still crowded and just because the class rooms are out of the building doesn’t mean students are not in the hallways. Now administrators are now moving kids from the rails to keep traffic moving it helps keep the hallways open and allows for more students to move through but just adds more students to wander the halls.

Besides the overcrowded hallways students may not be learning as much as they could in the same amount of time. Large classes cause teachers to spend less time with students individually and the students learn less and understand less. This causes lack of attention and more disruptions in the class room.

Some teachers have learned to teach large classes effectively but other teachers have not. While teaching large classes is difficult because of talking students and many possible distractions teachers have had years to adjust and can always be trying to find new ways to control students. Students feel segregated and un-involved in large classes, they feel confused and are embarrassed to talk in front of everyone. This makes teaching harder and class moves at a slower pace.

This school has its problems, the toilets do not work, the air conditioning and heating are different in every class and the building is run down. We say that the school should get renovated to cope with all these problems and to fix the overcrowding of the school.