Unwanted adults crowd in the senior parking lot

There’s nothing I love more than waking up at 6:00am, running out to my car in the pitch black, just to come to school and see a giant minivan, parked across four spaces.

Spartan parents have discovered a new way to avoid the morning traffic when dropping off their children. It involves getting in the way of most seniors who don’t want to be at school in the first place. If you have a spot in the senior lot, then you understand the pain. I wouldn’t mind if the parents were considerate and pulled off to the side, quickly letting their child out; but they insist on stopping their Zamboni of a car right in the flow of traffic, and lingering for a good five minutes until the child finally gets out of the car.

There are plenty of parents who have figured out this oh-so-sly tactic, but they need to know that there are better alternatives. Other than kiss-and-ride; Rolling Road is a great place to drop off or pick up your child; you just pull over, drop off, and go. Or if you’re in a really big hurry you can just slow down and your child can jump out and the grass will soften the blow.

Not having to get to school by 6:20am to get a spot on Rolling where your car may or may not be hit by some teen who attempts to parallel park is a luxury any driving senior enjoys. So when that is compromised, don’t be surprised by the upset reactions. We didn’t pay (ok, our parents didn’t pay) $200 for a year-long spot so that parents will have a place to drop off their children. I rode the big, lovely yellow bus for years and did my time, so it is only fair that this privilege go untainted.

Driving to school in the morning is already unpleasant with the amount of traffic and people who think red means go, so when you get to school only to see a car parked in your spot-or several- it is very irritating.

School has only been in session for less than two months and I can easily say my spot is taken over at least once a week. So parents, or students who let their parents do this (you know who you are), please refrain from continuing in your senior lot takeover.