Who’s telling us the truth about AP classes and college?
Photo courtesy of Nora Boyle
The binders for the college-level classes, as seen above, illustrate the workload students are given when they choose to enroll in this high-level classes, even though they don’t have to.
March 29, 2016
Four years of math, four years of a science, three years of a language minimum, two years of gym, and four years of classes you do not actually care about.
Since signing up for high school classes as eighth-graders, we have been told that colleges will not accept you if you do not stay on this strict plan of multiple hoopla classes and a lot of stress you don’t need. Even if you already know what you want to do when you get older, it does not matter.
Also, underclassmen, I hate to burst your bubble, but the advanced diploma is a made up sticker that goes on your diploma to trick you guys into taking all these nonsense classes. FCPS just wants to seem prestigious, and have all their students taking high level classes. Colleges have no clue what the heck an advanced diploma is. A diploma is a diploma no matter if there is a sticker on it or not. Be proud of yourself.
If you are not ready for an AP class, do not take one! Remember this is a college level class and it takes a lot of time and energy. You will regret it if you are not prepared. Colleges prefer seeing all A’s and B’s in regular or a couple honors classes than C’s in a couple APs. I am sorry to do this to you, but colleges strip that GPA boost from your honors and AP classes. That boost is not calculated until the end of the year. Colleges request unweighted GPAs anyways, so do not even stress about it. This is probably extremely depressing, and you will wonder why you even attempt these ridiculously hard classes. Don’t you fret my friends! You are attempting these classes for you. Achieving that 5 on that exam is solely for your own self-esteem and making you feel good about yourself. Basically, all I am saying is if you’re in an AP or honors class just for the perks, abort mission.
FCPS is also super lame about what a class is considered. I am in Anatomy and Physiology this year as my science. Turns out, Anatomy is not even a science. It’s considered a social study. The first class you take as a student in medical school is not even considered a science in the wonderful world of FCPS.
Don’t let that change your mind though. FCPS doesn’t rule the world, no matter what they say.