Home of the trailers
Photo courtesy of Noelle Ha
Here’s the lovely piped filled hallways of WS.
October 4, 2016
Welcome to WS, home of the trailers.
The school began undergoing renovations during the summer and it will continue to be under construction for the next several years.
Sparta is the newest and most popular addition from the renovation, also known as the trailer park. Students must go on a long hike from inside the school all the way to the top of the bleachers, then down toward the baseball field where all of the trailers are lined up. Other new additions to WSHS includes piles of dirt, unfamiliar construction workers walking around, and you can’t forget about the lovely trailer bathrooms!
These renovations aren’t only an annoyance for the students, since we have to hike to class, but also for teachers, counselors, and other administrators. Obviously, we aren’t going to be able to walk half a mile in seven minutes, so there’s been an increase in tardies, making it inconvenient for teachers to have to wait for their full class to come in and then begin their lesson.
When walking through the hallways, you have a beautiful view of all the pipes and lights hanging by four wires waiting to fall on someone. Oh, and there’s no ceiling tiles in most of the halls. With so many renovations, it has been concerning the students and parents. Not only are the floating lights a disaster waiting to happen, but the unfamiliar construction workers wandering around the campus are also concerning people.
The varsity field hockey team had a talk with the Director of Student Activities, Andy Muir. What the talk consisted of was saying that the girls were not allowed to change from warmup shirts to uniforms on the field anymore. This is because of the stranger danger with all the construction workers.
Before each varsity game now, there will be an announcement about being careful and aware about all of the construction currently happening. In other words, if you get injured in or around the construction site, it’s not the school’s fault.
WS will have an interesting year filled with random construction fires, pools of water in between the building and trailer park, and also sharing the campus with random strangers.
It’s a shame that we have to feel physically unsafe every day in our own school, but in the long run it’ll be the best for our community.