Disabilities leave unnecessary problems

The world can be an extremely hard place for anyone to live in, especially for disabled people.
It has become very difficult to find jobs these days. There are countless people who are unemployed and do not even have the chance to provide for themselves and their families. These difficulties are magnified with people who have disabilities.
Disabled people have a hard enough time dealing with being bullied for being different, being stared at all the time, and just having to deal with the difficulties of adjusting to the disabled life. They absolutely should not have to deal with the issue of not being able to find jobs as well as the issues previously mentioned.
Healthy people are usually chosen for jobs over people who are disabled. The disabled person may even be more qualified education-wise than the healthy person, but the healthy person would still get the job because he or she is able to physically be in the workplace. This common situation shows that the head of the business does not care as much about his or her employees’ performance as much as he or she does about his or her employees actually being at work, and this is not right.
In addition to not having many job opportunities that allow disabled people to work from home, the jobs that do let them work for home, do not pay as much as other jobs. It is true that these jobs usually only require their employees to work from a computer and a telephone all day, but sitting in front of a computer screen all day with only a few five minute breaks is exhausting. People working at computer screens for hours upon hours need longer breaks than just five minutes to keep their sanity. This is no different from disabled people’s situations.
Stay at home jobs have another downside; along with these disadvantages suffered by disabled people finding jobs previously mentioned, disabled people who finally are able to find jobs that let them work from their homes have no coworkers. They just have to sit in front of their computers with no human contact. That is not good for them psychologically because they could become very annoyed and irritable.
Another issue is that it is really difficult for disabled people who work from home to get promotions and earn more money to support themselves and their families because of their workplace situation. They do not have a boss who could supervise them and see how well they are performing.
Most of these issues could be fixed if more job opportunities were created specifically for disabled people, and company bosses need to stop showing favoritism. These jobs also need to be well-paying jobs that provide enough money for people to support their families. Only then will disabled people live lives that are a bit easier.