New achievements unlocked

Xbox has brought a whole new type of competitiveness.  Through games and Gamerscores, people have raced each other to some incredible achievements.

Achievements could be considered holding the #1 rank in any game, winning the most tournaments and now, reaching a 1 million point gamerscore.

Raymond Cox is now the first to reach the million point gamerscore.  Known as Stallion83 on Xbox, he has finally beaten the mark that, to most people, was considered an unimaginable feat.

For those who don’t know, gamerscore are points based on the achievements that have been accomplished.

Every game that a person buys has achievements set for the player.  For some, meeting those goals is their favorite part of playing the game.  Other players, however, just play for fun.

“I play Xbox, but I’m not devoted to reaching a 1 million gamerscore,” said sophomore Sean Callis.

Cox’s dedication to Xbox could be explained as maybe a little much.

As said on pcmag, Cox’s dad kept track of his progress every night, hoping that the 1 million mark would come sooner rather than later.

Cox also tweeted when he finished his business, saying on Twitter that he could finally watch TV and movies again.

Although this record isn’t anything new to Cox, websites are interviewing him, wondering how hard it was to record this Gamerscore number.

“That’s a little much.  I mean, getting that score takes a lot of time.  I don’t have time to just goof around and actually be serious about beating the world record for Xbox.  I’ve got so much more I could be doing,” said sophomore Nick McCaslin.

A lot of people might be able to record a number like Cox’s, but don’t have the time to do it.  Cox somehow was able to do it in around 8 years and 3 months.  To break this record, a person must have a lot of time on their hands.  So, if a person intends to break the new record, they have to play almost day and night.

Cox’s million point gamerscore is only his top achievement so far; if he continues to play, who knows what Gamerscore he could end up with when he finally stops playing.

Although he says he will stop playing for a little while, there should be serious consideration of the record being a lot higher than 1 million.

“It’s cool to hear of something like that, but really it seems a little excessive,” said sophomore Aidan Villavicencio.