Construction update

Ryan Brewer, Viewpoint Editor

It was worth it. Trudging through the mud in Sparta, fighting traffic up and down the stairs on a daily basis, dodging icy spots on the way to class, all the struggles our new “accommodations” brought us paid off­— the new renovations look amazing.
The school has seen a variety of changes while we were gone this summer, the most obvious of which is the cafeteria. The old, dark room is now bright and colorful, bringing a feeling of youthfulness.
“I think it’s a great improvement compared to where it was,” said junior Parker Brown
Also, the old wrestling room was taken out to create a new hallway that travels by the main gym and guy’s locker room. The old room has been replaced with a much larger one that can accommodate the growing team.
“I’m looking forward to having a bigger room for this season,” said sophomore Kyle Vanderlaan.