WS might not be getting a makeover anytime soon but the cameras are our newest accessory.
During winter break wires were pulled for the installation of 12 security cameras that will be located outside the school. Though there is no set date for this installation, it will be soon, as the school has been prepped. The cameras will be spread out around the perimeter of the building from the front of the school to the back parking lot near the press box. Twenty-one schools in Fairfax County already have placed security cameras outside their schools, so many people believe it was time for WS have them installed.
“There have been several incidents of break-ins and damages made to new equipment in the press box and trailers,” said Principal Paul Wardinski. “The cameras are to insure the safety and security of students, staff, and the physical building.”
As well as damages to equipment there have also been reports of student’s cars being keyed, and vandalism to the outside of the building. Students do not need to feel uneasy about these cameras as they are only allowed to be outside the building in regulation to county’s rules. Most students do approve of the cameras as they are only here to help.
“I think the cameras are a good idea if what is being stolen is really important and this is the only way they know to stop it from happening,” said senior Rachel Mundell.
There is a view that students have nothing to fear unless they do something bad themselves, so it serves to help our school more than hurt it.
“The fact cameras are there would hopefully prevent it and if not you then it would record it so it they are helpful,” said junior Alex Pastino
Though, not all students are as supportive of the cameras, thinking they are used for other purposes thank just keeping our students safe. Many believe that these measures are just to stop students from skipping and monitoring seniors leaving at lunch time.
“The cameras are not put into monitor lunch times, though it doesn’t hurt,” said Wardinski.
Others are not as concerned that they are monitoring students but they think it wouldn’t work.
“The cameras are good for stopping intruders but not for students who want to skip,” said junior Chloe Grewe. “People who do bad things are going to do them anyway, having the threat of cameras won’t make a difference.”
The cameras are being installed now, as they are not part of the renovation WS is eligible to have in the upcoming years. The budget cuts are not a factor in the instillation as WS has been responsible with its money, for example 12 cameras is a minimal amount compared to the other twenty-one schools with cameras, Lake Braddock has 48 cameras around their perimeter though they are a larger school.
No matter the view each student has on the cameras, one thing is for sure that the instillation of the security cameras will serve only to make our school a better place.
“I think that people will come to realize because of the cameras we will have a safer school and more secure county,” said Wardinski.