Senior parking lot or student standing lane?

Dear Underclassmen: Stop having your parents drop you off in our parking lot!

The Senior Parking Lot is just what it says in the title—for seniors. Because we pay $200 each for this privilege, we can arrive at school five minutes before the bell rings. But when we are driving to our spot and are stopped by parents dropping off their kids, we are forced to be crunched for time.

It’s even worse when someone is parked in our paid-for spot to wait for their child to finish grabbing their book bag and lunch. Then they proceed to stop their car in the middle of the lane seniors use to get to their spots. We ask ourselves, why?

The Senior Parking Lot is for parking. There is the reason why the lane in front of our school exists, made especially as a drop-off zone. Going there, you can take your time: finish your breakfast, brush your hair, put on your eyeliner.

Yes, there may be traffic pulling in; however, it is not our problem that we are older and have the senior opportunity to come later than underclassmen.

If worst comes to worst, take the bus. There is no shame in that; we all had to do it some point in our lives. But please, stop invading our space, literally.

It’s safe to say we have things around the school that are especially reserved for seniors. The three most important are Senior Rail, Senior Pranks and Senior Skip Day. Everything is labeled “senior;” therefore, these areas and traditions should not be part of an underclassman’s life. The same goes for our coveted parking spots.

Freshmen have three more years, sophomores, two, juniors, one and seniors none! If you can’t read between the lines, what we are saying is wait your turn; everyone had to do it before you.

And don’t worry. Seniors will have to do it again once they get to college. But not only is it worth the wait, but underclassmen will appreciate our point-of-view more when they finally reach their senior year.