O13ey 13randt.

Even though she may not be a student, she is the certainly the queen of our class.

In marriage you take vows. To love each other in sickness and in health, in richness or poverty, and basically to be there for each other through thick and thin. We the class of 2013 are married to Mrs. Brandt. Aren’t we lucky?

Flashback to Freshman Year. We are the quitest at pep rallies, the smallest in the hallways, and the most normally dressed on spirit days. But not Mrs. Brandt, who was the peppiest person and always excited about our class and our school. We are the class if 2013.

Four years later, we are hard hat wearing, trash can banging, orange paint wearing, spirited seniors. Hard to believe, I know. We are the now, the new and improved class of 2013. We are joining Mrs. Brandt.

Being seniors, we get certain “privileges,” ones that Mrs. Brandt can appreciate and support, such as senior panks. And I have to admit, last year I honestly worried about our future pranks, seeing as we only had like 5 spirited students in our class (myself not included, I’m sorry). Lame, I know. But the first two weeks of school surprised me.

On the first day of school, I sat in 1st period AP Government regretting my decision to wake up and come to school until a faint ringing occurred in my ear. I wasn’t quite sure if it had been real, or just a symptom ofsleep deprevation. That is, until the annoucments came on thanking us for the cell phones they had confiscated out of our locker. I was amused, but the administration surely was not.

The main go-to of our Administration seems to be taking away everything such as the male drill team. They can roar and they can stomp, but Mrs. Brandt understands. She encourages our class to have fun with our year as long as we aren’t harmful (which our pranks weren’t).

Mrs. Brandt has been there for us since our first day of freshman year. We were scared of the confusing halls and big seniors, but she showed us the way and now we are right there with her, excited about our final year at WS. In my opinion the rest of the WS Administration should take after Brandt and learn a lesson from her.

Mrs. Brandt, I understand that sometimes we might get out of control, but please understand that the actions of a handful of students do not reflect the character of our class in its entirety. We really do appreciate what you do for us and not many people realize just howmuch that is.

Mrs. Brandt, as our class administrator, took care of us when we were sick, encouraged us when we were poor in spirit, made us cookies when we were stressed,  and has been there for our class no matter what. She took her vows to us and, frankly, its time we take ours to her.