‘That will be five cents’


Photo courtesy of Brittany Norris

WS’s friendly cafeteria lunchlady handles the forks behind the counter to ensure that students who did not buy lunch properly pay the five cent fee for the bendy plastic utensil.

Brittany Norris, Page One Editor

For those who bring their lunch to school: make sure to bring your own fork for the fresh fruit or salad you packed, or a knife for cutting, or actually, don’t, since the knife is considered a weapon. So unfortunately, you’ll be forced to pay five cents for a measly, plastic fork or knife in the cafeteria.
In the past, the condiments and utensils in the cafeteria have been free for all students. Last year, there was a low supply of ketchup here at WS, which forced the cafeteria workers to keep it behind the cash register and only distribute it to the students who asked. When they did ask, they were only granted one.
For example, if one was to buy French fries and a burger, one ketchup packet wouldn’t cut it. Eventually, after many complaints, the ketchup bin was returned to its original place. Maybe the WS students can use the same tactics to replace the forks and knives that have recently been taken away from us.
Yes, now forks have been taken out of the lunch line and put behind the cash register. Students who buy their lunch are able to receive a fork or knife, free of charge, but students who bring their lunch from home and forget to pack a fork along with it are forced to pay five cents, or eat like animals, with their hands.
This is an outrage considering Fairfax County is one of the richest counties in the nation, and is charging money from kids who made a mistake of not packing a fork for their left over mac n’ cheese or pasta from the night before.
At just about any grocery store in our area an individual can buy an entire 24 count box of forks for $0.49 total, according to peapod.com. That’s two cents per fork, and honestly, those forks are of better quality then those provided at WS.
WS is charging more for a cheap, black, bendable fork than a successful business is. That is absolutely ridiculous. The questions lie here; why charge for a fork, or even a knife? How is that going to help anyone? Why are they starting to charge now?
Students are outraged and it’s unbelievable how cheap WS can truly be. Asking for money from students, who are likely struggling with money in the first place due to lack of income, for a commonly used utensil, I mean, come on.
The students of WS are upset about this preposterous new “rule” and think it should be vetoed. We hope that in the near future that we will have free reign of forks and knives in the cafeteria and maybe even a better quality product, but that might just be too far-fetched.