A symbol of hope turns hateful

Photo courtesy of Press CItizen
Protestors have been destroying the American flag to show their anger and frustration toward the government. This, however, is disrespectful to those who come to the United States in search of freedom and hope. These values are represented by the American flag.
April 28, 2017
Thirteen stripes and 50 stars. Originally they represented the thirteen colonies and fifty states, but over time they have come to symbolize the fundamental ideas associated with this nation like freedom, hope and honor.
Some people don’t associate these ideas with the American flag, and that is completely fine. But to burn the flag is not just a public statement, it is an insult to thousands of people in the United States of America
Every year, approximately half a million immigrants come to the US, some to escape oppression and hatred in their home countries. They come to this nation in hope of attaining the resources they need to survive, and to provide their children with opportunities so that they may rise to be the best version of themselves. I understand this because I am the daughter of two immigrants.
When I see the American flag engulfed in flames, slowly turning into ashes, a horror fills my body. To my family the flag is a sign of safety and comfort. Its destruction aggravates me. This country respects the unalienable rights of human beings, and has a strong system of support for its citizens. Sometimes the system fails, but the attempt deserves appreciation.
If you have a hatred for the government then that is your right, but what about the people overseas? The people that serve and die for our nation? They have families and lives of their own, yet they sacrifice everything because they believe in this country. They believe that this nation can do right by its citizens. Veterans fight to give us the rights that we so easily take for granted, and instead of honoring them, people burn their symbol of hope.
These unpatriotic flag-burners use the First Amendment as a crutch to justify themselves. Using a liberty that is denied to many individuals around the world is not only pathetic, but absolutely wrong. Newsflash, there should be an unspoken assumption that these rights should only be applicable when they don’t cause other people harm.
When you burn an American flag you are causing harm to the daughters and sons who have lost parents in wars, you are causing harm to the people who see this country as a safe haven, and you are causing harm to the people take pride in being an American.
There’s a saying, “never bite the hand that feeds you.” I believe that people should understand that being disrespectful doesn’t show strength. It broadcasts how truly ignorant you are to the world around you, and that is an irreversible display of weakness.