Don’t stress about it; do something about it!


Students who are taking advanced classes and participating in after-school activities such as sports often say that they are “drowning’”in work. Don’t just complain about it; do something about it!

Andrew Cooke, Scoop Editor

Colleges like to see that you have challenged yourself, but when you do actually challenge yourself don’t go overboard and take on more than you can handle. Certainly what you are not going to do is complain and make others listen to you.
What made you think it was okay to take five advanced placement classes and play a sport and what were you smoking before you decided to do that?
You also expect to have a social life despite taking those five AP classes; you need to wake up from your hangover and get back into reality.
A handful of students are guilty of biting off more than they can chew. Do not sign up for something if you are not fully committed, because there are other people who have it a lot worse than you.
What you could do instead of complaining is talk to an adult you trust, like a counselor who is skilled in helping students deal with how to go about scheduling themselves. You could also get extra help after school if you are really struggling or need help figuring out what to do, so you are not stressed the whole school year. You could always talk to your teachers, maybe you are studying wrong or not taking enough notes, because the teacher is the one in the end who is going to pass or fail you.
What you are not going to do is complain to your friends that you are so stressed because you have no free time and how your teachers give you too much homework.
See how quickly your friends get sick of you and turn their backs, like 0-100 real quick. Back-to-back, your friends will get tired of your complaining and will say the same thing I am telling you: No one held you at gunpoint and forced you into those commitments.
If you are struggling to find time to complete all your assignments, go talk to your counselor about what you can do about it, and maybe switch out or even drop a class.
It is not a big deal if you drop from an AP to a honors class, no one will think any less of you. The worst possible thing you could do is realize that you have too much responsibility when it is too late for you to make any changes.