Successful Signing Day for six senior Spartans

Athletes officially commit to Division 1 sports programs at school ceremony.

After four years of hard work and dedication, Spartan senior athletes finally signed their futures away.

On February 6, six senior athletes took one of the biggest steps in their lives. Tyler Czajkowski, Jonathan Dunn, Lars Eckenrode, Dominic Esposito, Braden Horton, and Maddie Wittich signed a commitment to their selected Division 1 College. The ceremony took place in Spartan Hall and it was filled with an abundance of support from coaches, teammates, family and friends.

“The ceremony was fun to go to support everyone and I was happy for the athletes. They worked hard,” said senior Hannah Winner.

The athletes went in and sat down. They listened while the coaches gave heartfelt speeches and then signed their papers one by one. The moment they have been waiting for has finally come and it brought many emotions to both parents and students.

“It feels great. It’s such a relief and I’m very excited. My parents were proud of me,” said senior Braden Horton.

These athletes have been working hard all high school. The dedication these athletes put in these past years definitely paid off but it doesn’t stop here. They are expected to continue to work hard and excel in college.

“I know the hard work has just begun and I’m excited to start a new chapter in my soccer life,” said Horton.

After signing their papers, athletes were filled with joy and relief. They are ready to finish high school and begin their lives in college. They can’t wait to start a new part of their lives and experience college life.

“It’s surreal. I’ve been working all of high school and I don’t know how to say I’m excited but I am. I’m ready to get my education and to experience college,” said senior Jonathan Dunn.

Although these 6 athletes signed, they aren’t the only ones committed to colleges. Hannah Winner, for example, has committed to Princeton. Because it’s an Ivy League school, however, she doesn’t actually get to sign.

“It’s a little disappointing but I was still happy for the others. Some of my future teammates had a fake signing and got to participate with everyone,” said Winner.

Even though Winner didn’t get to sign, she still participated by supporting her peers. The signing ceremony came to an end after each one of the athletes signed their names across the paper. Now all they have to do is finish the rest of their senior year.

“It’s kind of a love-hate feeling because it feels good to finally sign but I’m still in high school,” said Dunn.