A tasteful Homecoming

Get excited, because homecoming is going to be sweet this year!

This fall, WS is infusing all things Candyland into its typical homecoming schedule. The delicious theme will find its place in every part of this high school tradition.

“I am excited about the theme,” said senior Cassidy Taber, “you can do so much with it.”

The theme, all-too-fittingly, was decided upon at the Leadership Retreat at Hershey Park back in June.

“Everyone [at the retreat] got together and came up with themes in groups and we voted on them,” said Taber.

Once the votes were tallied and the theme officially chosen, positions had to be delegated in order to accomplish the transformation of WS’s homecoming into something sweet. Leadership students have tasks that they must complete in one of the many categories that homecoming is typically composed of: the homecoming game, halftime, powder puff, hall decorating, and, of course, the dance decorations.

“I am the chief of the dance decorating team,” said senior Sara Davis. “Our job is to make [the school] look like the actual Candyland board game.”

While fun is a major element of the theme itself, the preparation efforts may prove to be quite a feat; there are many things that must be done to make homecoming the best that it can be. In addition to the organizational and planning aspects of the entire week, the Leadership students in charge of the different categories must be creative, as well.

“We want to bring the characters to life and even create the different worlds that are in the game, like the Peppermint Forest,” said Davis.

While the Leadership students have control over the different categories, there are many ways that the rest of the student body can participate. WS students can help out with the different class-focused activities, like float building and hall decorating.

“We want to get started on the dance set-up as early as possible,” said Davis, “and we are really relying on parents this year to donate materials because we are making all of the decorations ourselves.”

The culminating event of homecoming week is, as always, the dance. This year, however, Leadership students hope that it will be the icing on the cake.

“Wearing candy-themed colors [to the dance] would be encouraged,” said Davis, “don’t be afraid to make it fun!”

In keeping with many of WS’s past homecoming themes, like Treasure Island or Carnival, this year’s theme is a bit whimsical. Spartans will have the opportunity this year to show their creativity and their bright personalities through every WS homecoming tradition.

“Rather than having to be serious, this theme is free and cute, and we get to be wacky,” said Davis. “I think this theme is going to be very, very fun!”