Senior Grace Corbett’s road to this next experience in her life has been an eventful quest. Her rifling journey will not end when school comes to an end, though. She will continue to pursue rifling at the University of Nebraska (UNL).
Rifling is a sport many don’t know very much about according to AirgunBSS.com. Corbett’s adventure may not have started in rifling but now the sport is very involved in her life.
“I used to play soccer, but was forced to stop. During that time, my older sister shot for WS and I tagged along with her to the range,” said Corbett, “After a couple visits, I found that I was good at it and enjoyed my time there. Since then, I’ve been shooting three to five days a week for the past four years!”
Her hard work paid off when she started getting recruited. Despite schools expressing interest, she persisted in honing her craft while simultaneously assisting her community.
“Grace was very focused and practiced four to five days a week leading up to receiving her offers,” said Corbett’s dad and WS rifle coach Christopher Corbett, “Since the signing she has tried to find balance between competing, being an active member in her church youth group and enjoying the best parts of Senior year.”
Recruiting for colleges is very important so that the Colleges can get the best players in each sport. It is also important for the student athlete to have a scholarship because it allows the player to do what they love in the future.
One of Grace Corbett’s favorite rifling competitions was The Winter Air Gun in Ohio December of 2023. She finished top eight in both under 18 and under 21 age group finals.
“It was an exciting and cool experience to be in the finals of a national competition,” said Grace Corbett “[After this experience I feel like] I’m capable of winning one in the future.”
Some recruiters look for different things in their prospects, but almost all recruiters want composure.
“It was noted that she did not crack under pressure and still found a way to compete,” said Christopher Corbett. “Adversity happens, it’s how you handle it. Grace handles it well.”
Her composure strives from her balanced lifestyle and mental health.
“My mental health was great! I’m taking rigorous classes, but I’ve been sticking to the same schedule for the past few years to balance academics and athletics,” said Grace Corbett.
Grace Corbett’s recruiting process was a long, competitive experience.
“Unfortunately my recruiting class is stacked with talent, so the process was relatively lengthy and complicated,” said Grace Corbett, “I made a recruiting website with a bio, my resume, academic record, and a spreadsheet with my match scores. This made the process easier because the coaches that were interested in me could periodically check in on my progress.”
With all this information out for coaches and recruiters, this made Grace Corbett easily recruited. This shows with the numerous visits to colleges like University of Mississippi, West Virginia University, and her eventual landing place, UNL.
Grace Corbett is excited for her future at UNL and the opportunities that come with the change of scenery. The shadow that looms over a Big 10 prospect may affect others, but Grace Corbett is ready for all future challenges and obstacles.