West Springfield High School Newspaper

The Oracle

West Springfield High School Newspaper

The Oracle

West Springfield High School Newspaper

The Oracle

Zombies vs. Vampires

It disturbs me how Vampires are the sex symbol of our generation. It seems this crazy lust for creatures has taken over teeny-bopper fantasy.

But thankfully it seems that “Twilight” has basically run its course. There is a new craze limping, screaming and puking over the horizon and that’s the Zombie craze!

I am extremely pro-Zombie for four reasons:

1. The Zombie Apocalypse could potentially happen. Parasites are one of the smallest examples. There is literally a parasite that lives in rat brains but can only reproduce in cats’ intestines. So the parasites take over the rat’s mind to go to where the cats live and get eaten so then the parasite can get into the cats intestines.  Imagine them evolving into human brain mind control parasites. 

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2. I’m not a violent person, but zombie-killing is awesome. It’s so unrestricted! Woody Harrelson demonstrated this in the movie “Zombieland,” by killing one with a banjo.

3. It’s time to move on from the scary Vampire craze. Though scary crazes seem to be a sign of the times, they aren’t something new. Werewolf, witch and ghost obsessions have always existed. The Zombie Apocalypse seems to be a nice escape from the blood suckers.

4. And finally, the Halloween costume of choice this year is Zombies. Such a classic costume choice; you can make it at home and basically do anything with it.

People say that you can tell a lot about a culture from its monsters.  But why us?

Is it because American horror Hollywood capitalized on living dead early on? Or is it possibly because Zombies reflect the way we react with each other?

We all walk around (mostly aimlessly), sometimes making our own decisions but mainly just flowing with the crowd. We congregate in groups to gang up on weaker beings.

The only thing that vampires have on their side is the sex appeal. It’s about time America’s media and entertainment obsession leans away from that, because to be honest, it’s creepy.

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